Tuesday, November 18, 2008


So like most others, I primarily use YouTube for comic relief. Computer. Bring me 3 inebriated dancing monkeys and make it snappy. I stole that joke from somewhere, but I can't remember where. In seriousness I do think YouTube can be a great tool allowing people to share a variety of videos from the inane to the more serious and content oriented or often a mixture of both (see March of the Librarians). And YouTube is literally everywhere these days. You can hardly turn around without hearing about or seeing the next viral video somewhere. This is perhaps due in large part to the fact that YouTube makes sharing videos so easy using your standard e-mail or a variety of other Web 2.0 tools such as Digg, Delicious, Facebook etc.

I embedded a quick vignette of 2.0 tools with this post. I chose this because it seemed to be a quick visual summation of a lot of the tools we've explored for this 23 Things assignment. Plus, I didn't feel that many of recent favorite videos would've been appropriate for sharing given that my sense of humor tends to be on the crass side.

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