Monday, November 17, 2008

Discovering Web 2.0 Tools/Twitter

From seomoz's list of award winning web 2.0 applications I chose to explore Twitter. I chose Twitter primarily because my brother won't shut up about it. I also chose Twitter because I've seen it pop up in more and more places and I still didn't really understand the concept. Twitter is basically a micro-blogging/social networking site. Users' posts are limited to 140 words or less and are generally just brief updates about what you are doing. Twitter is an easy way to keep up quickly with your network of friends, family or relatives. It has other uses as well, as during the primaries and general election,, gave up on live blogging debates and switched to a Twitter account. This allowed the writer for Slate and Slate readers to comment on presidential debates live. Since the posts are much shorter than most blog entries it is possible to keep much more current especially in something as fast paced and fluid as a debate.

In comparison to other social networking sites such as Myspace or Facebook, Twitter has relatively few users. Despite this they form a powerful community. This story from American Public Media's Marketplace radio show details some of the profound effects Twitter has had in the area of customer service. You can listen here.

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