Monday, November 17, 2008


I'm using Zoho to compose this post. It has lots of features and is perhaps even easier to use in some respects than Microsoft Office. While I can see the utility of web based applications, such as Zoho, I wouldn't see myself using Zoho or other online word processing applications much. I think perhaps the best use for Zoho or other web based applications is with collaborative projects. Using a web based application would eliminate the need for having to e-mail work back and forth and having a person appointed to compile that work and then run it by everyone involved again for approval. And with Zoho's many project templates (even one for a wiki) there are quite a variety of projects for which it could be useful.

I published this post straight from Zoho. Very simple.

1 comment:

Arvind said...

David : Thanks for using Zoho! As you rightly observed, Zoho helps in better collaboration when team work is involved.

And it's good for personal use too. No need to carry your data around. Access it from any computer, anywhere.
